Our Philosophy

The Natural Environment

We value connecting to nature in childhood. Being under the trees, digging in dirt and planting a garden expands children’s imaginary and social worlds and prepares them to be the future stewards of our planet. Much of our daily activities at Monteverde take place out doors. We also bring the outdoors inside for deeper investigations like art and STEM projects.

The Importance of Play

Young children's play allows them to explore, identify, negotiate, take risks and create meaning. The intellectual and cognitive benefits of playing have been well documented. Children who engage in quality play experiences are more likely to have well-developed memory skills, language development, and are able to regulate their behavior, leading to enhanced school adjustment and academic learning. (Bodrova & Leong, 2005)


There are six specific early literacy skills that become the building blocks for later reading and writing. These skills are: a large vocabulary, print motivation, print awareness, narrative skills, letter knowledge and phonological awareness. Monteverde students develop all six of these skills because they are part of our daily literacy-rich curriculum and environment. Pre-literacy activities at Monteverde include: songs, storytelling, acting out stories, using print in our dramatic play, and many games involving sounds and letters.

Highlights of the Reggio Approach

The 100 Languages

To make sense of what they discover, and to explore their wonder, children use countless forms expression. We encourage children to communicate their learning and discovery in as many "languages" as possible. These "languages" including drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, shadow play, imaginary play, dance, tumbling, and running.

The Image of the Child

We start from the view that children are competent, capable and curious learners as well as valued citizens of the community. Children are allowed to move autonomously through our multi-classroom environment, exercising their agency in choosing how they want to engage in activities and build relationships throughout the day.


Knowledge is most meaningful when co-constructed between teachers, parents, and children. Teachers and children collaborate together to create projects which follow the children's interests. It is more than cooperation, it is a meeting of minds which creates a meaningful experience for all.

Social Emotional Learning

Anti-Bias Education

This is a thoughtful approach to having a positive and inclusive attitude to diversity. It helps all children to develop self-awareness, confidence, family pride and positive social identities. The Monteverde schoolyear is full of our own unique community celebrations and traditions that encourage positive relationship building and family involvement without creating a biased “tourist” curriculum that traditional holiday celebrations can invoke.

Social-Emotional Learning

This is some of the most important learning that happens in the preschool years. This is when they learn how to be a friend, how to be part of a group, and how to regulate their emotions.  It is an integral part of both our planned curriculum and teacher facilitations.